
There their
There their

there their

Use lie to indicate the act of reclining: I am tired just watching the dog lie in the warm sunlight.

there their

Use allowed when referring to something permitted: Dogs are not allowed to be on school property between 2:45-4pm. Use aloud when referring to something said out loud: Reading aloud –and doing it well–is a skill that requires much practice. MORE: Shop Grammar Workbooks in Our Store Use compliment as an expression of praise: I was pleased to have received so many compliments on my new dress and shoes today. Use complement when referring to something that enhances or completes: The cranberry sauce is a perfect complement to the turkey dinner. OR Use break as a noun to indicate a rest or pause: We took a water break after our first set of drills because it was so hot outside. Use break to indicate smashing or shattering or to take a recess: My back will break if we put one more thing in this backpack. Use brake as a verb meaning to stop or as a noun when referring to a device used to stop or slow motion: The bike's brake failed, which is why he toppled town the hill. Use won as the past tense form of the verb "to win": Shelly's team won the tournament and celebrated with ice-cream sundaes! Use one when referring to a single unit or thing: I have one more muffin left before the box is empty. Use bare as an adjective indicating lack of clothing or adornment: His bare neck burned in the direct sunlight. Use bear when referring to the large mammal or to indicate the act of holding or supporting: How did that brown bear open the security gate at the campsite? | The wagon can hardly bear the weight of the load. Please bring your books to class with you tomorrow. You're going to absolutely love this new recipe. I ate too much ice cream for dessert, too. Too is an adverb that can mean excessively when it precedes an adjective or adverb. To can indicate an infinitive when it precedes a verb. MORE: 5 Apps to Help Kids Learn Grammar and Punctuation They're going to have practice immediately after school today. The students put their coats in the closet. There will be a lot to eat at the party tonight. Most commonly, it is used as a pronoun or adverb. There can act as different parts of speech, depending on how it is used in a sentence. Use whether as a conjunction to introduce choices: Please tell us whether you would prefer steak or salmon for dinner. Use weather when referring to the state of the atmosphere: The constantly changing springtime weather is driving us crazy. Use except as a preposition to mean exclude: You may donate all items except car seats and cribs. Use accept as a verb to mean receive: The organization will accept donations through the first of the month. Use by as a preposition to indicate location: Please put the sandwiches by the door so we don't forget them! Use buy when purchasing an item: I do need to buy new shoes for the kids.

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They will bring our keys to the hotel lobby. Our is an adjective, the plural possessive form of we. We are staying at the hotel closest to the stadium. Use hear as a verb to indicate listening: Can you hear the birds' beautiful singing outside?Īre is a verb in present tense, a form of the verb "to be." Use here as an adverb to indicate location: Please come back here and put your shoes away! Use witch to mean a scary or nasty person: The Halloween witch decorations must finally come down off of the wall! Use which as a pronoun when referring to things or animals: Cora wore her favorite pink shoes, which she received as a birthday gift.

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Use then to indicate the passage of time, or when: We went to the park in the morning, and then we left to pick up lunch. Use than for comparisons: John is much taller than his brother. (Note: effect can sometimes be used as a verb meaning to cause/achieve or to bring about – as in "The magician effected his escape with a false door" – but this is mostly a technical term and not used very often.) Use effect as a noun: The new medicine had negative side effects. Use affect to indicate influence: The medicine did not affect her the way the doctor had hoped. Check out the list below - the following scenarios are the most commonly used cases but as is quite common in our language, there are always exceptions! - and then give your child extra practice with this printable homophones practice page. Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled differently. So we thought we'd cover the top 20 most commonly confused homophones.

There their manual#

(This grammar manual can help your child and, ahem, you too!) Some of the nuances of the English language - homophones in particular - are enough to make a person go batty. If you're trying to raise a child who's a strong reader and writer (and aren't we all?!), you might benefit from some quick language refreshers yourself.

There their